Inter-Library Loan Request form
Fill out this form to the best of your ability.  You will need your library card number to place a request.  

Please note that a maximum of three Inter-Library Loan requests per user will be processed at a time.

Inter-library loans are sourced through Ontario's public libraries. Newer items can be difficult to source, as they are often in use by patrons of lending libraries. Please limit requests to items over one year of age.
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Subject (optional).  The more specific you can be, the better.  For example, "non-fiction book on early Renaissance paintings" instead of "art."
 What is your library card number? *
What is your name? (first and last required) *
Telephone number
Email address
Staff will not process an interlibrary loan request for material our library owns.  Have you checked our library catalogue for this material? *
Which format would you prefer?
Is there anything else we should know?
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