2025-2026 RPNS Application to Register
Thank you so much for your interest in Redwood Parents Nursery School, a part time, play based, parent participation nursery school in Redwood City. Prior to registering, please be sure you review our membership brochure to be familiar with our programs and participation requirements.

Applications are processed in the order received. To be enrolled or placed on a waiting list you must submit this application and a $100 non-refundable registration fee (per child) paid via zelle (treasurer@rpns.org). We will notify you via email of your placement or waiting list status within 15 business days.

To complete your enrollment, additional documentation such as child's health evaluation and immunization records, TB test results and background check from working parents and other documents to comply with our insurance requirements will be requested and due August 1, 2025 or within 10 days of your start date. 
 If you are placed in a class, the following amounts will be due and will be invoiced electronically:

 - A non-refundable deposit in the amount of your monthly tuition is due within 10 days of receiving your invoice. This amount will be applied to your last month’s tuition for the 2025-2026 school year.  

 - First month’s tuition is due September 1, 2025 or within 10 days of your start date. 

 - Non-refundable annual maintenance fee of $150.00 is due October 1, 2025, or within 10 days of your start date. 

Note about tuition: a 10% discount is offered to siblings

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

Leighann Thompson - Vice President, Membership
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