Welcome to LuxNGrace Mommy Love Crates
By Jade Ross

Custom curated postpartum meal baskets from one mother to another. Delivered to your doorstep each week so you can enjoy easy, fresh and delicious meals while recovering from childbirth and caring for your newborn.

 Each crate will contain:

* 4 quarts of fresh soup
* half quart of flavored bone broth
* 4 fresh bagels
* half gallon LuxNGrace lactation tea
* bouquet of flowers

   $300 per week
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
When is your due date/What date did you give birth?
Phone number *
Address *
What soups would you like this week? (choose up to 4) *
Bagels *
Do you have any allergies or dietary preferences?
Are there any delivery instructions we need, like a gate code?
How many weeks of service are you requesting?
How were you referred to us?
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How will your meals be paid for?
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Contact info
Email: Jaderoxs@gmail.com

Instagram: @LuxNGrace

Payment options:
Applecash @ 213.369.6472
Venmo @LuxNgrace

Make checks payable to:
Oya Ali Jade Ross
5014 Marathon st 
Los Angeles CA 90029

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