Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2021 (LASI Spain 21) - Registration form
Learning Analytics in times of COVID-19: Opportunity from crisis (http://lasi21.snola.es)
Hybrid format on July 7-9 2021. On-site sessions will be held in Barcelona.

LASI Spain 2021 has no registration fees, but registration is required to allow you access all its hybrid sessions and keynotes (see LASI 2021 Programme). By registering to the Conference, you will have early access to the accepted papers. You will be able to actively participate in the hybrid discussions, and in the informal meetings that will be organized during the Conference.

Deadline for registration: June 25th 2021

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Responsable del tratamiento: Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Plaça de la Mercè, 12. 08002 Barcelona | Teléfono: 93 542 20 00. You can contact UPF Data officer  (dpd@upf.edu).

GOAL: register to LASI 2021 and manage its development. Your data will be kept during the workshop and as long as legal responsibilities may derive from it.

LEGITIMACY: consent of the interested person, who can remove it when desired.

RECIPIENT: your data will be solely used by Universitat Pompeu Fabra and will not be shared with third parties, except for the fulfilment of legally established obligations.

RIGHTS: You can access, request or remove your data, oppose to their treatment and request their limitation by contacting UPF manager (gerencia@upf.edu). You have the right to present a complaint to the Catalan Authority of data Protection.
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