Welcome to Hope Community Garden. We’re so happy you’re interested in partnering with neighbors to grow food and build community.
The two most important elements of our garden are plants and people. Our main goal is to build relationships as we work in the garden together. We do this through an emphasis on practice, not perfection.
Outlined below are our expectations of Hope Community gardeners to ensure the garden is a safe and welcoming space for all. If you observe that these guidelines are not being followed, please notify the garden administrators who will work to find a resolution.
Please read the following and sign at the bottom:
Who is Welcome At Hope Community Garden?
Children are welcome at Hope Community Garden. If you bring children, please keep a very close eye on them. Their safety is your responsibility.
Dogs are welcome at Hope Community Garden if they are leashed and under your control at all times in the garden, and you clean up their waste. Dogs are not allowed in the garden beds.
Garden Bed Assignments
Garden beds will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis, with plots filled in the order applications are received. The garden will begin taking applications on February 20th, 2024.
In the event that all plots are filled, interested gardeners will be placed on a waitlist.
Each family unit will only be assigned one plot, but may submit a request for additional plots. If after May 1st, 2024, there are vacant plots remaining, second plots will be offered until all requests are filled or all garden beds are assigned.
Garden beds are assigned for one growing season, but returning gardeners will have priority if they decide to tend the same plot next growing season.
Plot assignments are not transferable.
Garden Courtesy
Display respect for people and their plants at all times.
Prevent weeds and garden plants from encroaching from your plot to your neighbors’ plot.
Allow adequate space within your plot for vining and spreading crops to keep them from encroaching on the walkways between plots.
Do not harvest produce or disturb another plot unless you’ve been granted permission to do so.
Alcohol and tobacco use are prohibited in the garden.
Please be respectful of the neighborhood surrounding the garden by tending your plot only during daylight hours.
Garbage cans are currently not provided on site, so please take your trash with you when you leave.
Garden Plot Upkeep
You are expected to begin working in your plot no later than June 1. Plots that look like no work has been begun by June 1 will be allocated to someone else.
You are responsible for upkeep of your garden plot. Weeds will grow in your plot and must be removed on a regular basis. Insects interested in eating your plants will show up.
If your plot is not reasonably managed, you will be notified and given two weeks to clean up the weeds.
If you can no longer maintain your plot, please notify Hope Community Garden leadership promptly.
Use of mulches, compost, organic matter, etc., is encouraged. It can improve the soil in your plot and improve vegetable yields.
Garden Workdays/Social Events
- Gardeners are expected to participate in at least one workday during the 2024 growing season, with most workdays taking place on the second Saturday of the month, beginning in May and ending in October. Workdays are generally 2 hours, but we understand if you need to arrive late or leave early.
- During workdays, gardeners are welcome to tend to their own plots, but are also expected to participate in upkeep of common spaces. Upkeep tasks may include, but are not limited to, weeding the pollinator garden or empty beds, turning compost, harvesting produce from designated plots for the porch pantry, cleaning gardening tools, maintaining garden infrastructure, and general clean-up around the site.
- Workdays are not just "work", but also an opportunity to get to know your fellow gardeners. HCG will provide yard games that will be available to play during workdays to help you engage with others in our gardening community.
2024 Garden Activities Calendar: - May 11th, 11:00am-1:00pm: Opening social/workday- Come grab some free plant starts/seeds
- June 8th, 8:00am-10:00am: Workday
- July 13th, 8:00am-10:00am: Workday
- August 10th, 8:00am-10:00am: Workday
- September 14th, 4:00pm-6:00pm: Summer potluck/workday- Join your fellow gardeners for a meal
- October 26th, 11:00am-1:00pm: End of season garden clean-up
Garden Products
Use of fertilizers is accepted. Use them only in your own plot
Hope Community Garden is not strictly organic; however, we do adhere to principles of sustainable gardening and integrated pest management.
Natural based pest control products such as horticultural soap, neem oil, and diatomaceous earth are accepted.
All other pesticides must be pre-approved by Hope Community Garden Leadership. If approved, use them only in your own plot.
Water is a limited resource in Utah. Please be a good environmental steward and use water responsibly.
All raised beds are watered through a central drip irrigation system, but if gardeners decide their plants need additional water, hoses are provided for surface watering.
Be cautious not to damage or intrude on other gardeners’ plots when dragging hoses.
Please avoid spraying water onto others’ plots as overwatering may damage some plants.
If others are waiting to water, please limit your use of the hose to 15 minutes.
After watering, please turn off the hose and coil it near the water shut-off.
Shared Gardening Supplies
In addition to space for gardening, Hope Community Garden provides tools like shovels, rakes, and wheelbarrows that all gardeners are welcome to use.
All tools and supplies provided by Hope Community Garden must remain on site. Removal of tools or other gardening supplies from the garden may result in your plot being reassigned.
A limited number of tomato cages and garden stakes will be provided for gardener use, and are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. These supplies must be returned to the garden at the end of the growing season. Gardeners are also welcome to use their own plant supports as long as the supports are kept within the confines of an individual garden plot.
Remove all soil and plant residue from all tools and supplies when you are finished using them; return all tools and supplies to the shed in a tidy manner after you are finished using them.
Prohibited Plants
Please respect other gardeners and their plots by not planting anything that spreads aggressively and cannot be contained to your plot, blocks sunlight from neighboring plots, is an invasive species, could harm other gardeners, or is illegal to grow.
Please do not plant perennial species (a plant that will grow year after year) so future gardeners do not have to remove your plants should you choose not to return as a gardener next year.
Examples of prohibited plants include: trees, woody plants, shrubs, grape vines, stinging plants, poison ivy/oak, mint, horseradish, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, strawberries, raspberries, sunflowers, and cannabis. This list is not exhaustive, so if you have a question about whether or not a plant is permissible, please contact a community garden administrator.
If prohibited plants are found in your plot, you will be notified and given one week to remove them. Failure to remove prohibited plants could result in your plot being reassigned.
End of season responsibilities
Plots must be cleaned at the end of the growing season, no later than November 1, 2024.
To be considered “clean”, plots must be free of large plant matter, mulch material, tomato cages, twine, pavers, etc.
Extra Produce
If you’ve grown more produce than you are able to use, please consider sharing with others! We’ve established a porch pantry at PoP to provide free food to anyone in need, anonymously. You can place your extra produce in a box next to the old refrigerator in front of the building if you would like to contribute any of your harvest to the porch pantry.
Garden Announcements
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about gardening at Hope Community Garden, please contact us at hopegardenlogan@gmail.com. If you need urgent assistance, please call 520-433-0522.