OUCH! #6 (Vocal Chords& Whoosh!)
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Operation Ouch- Vocal Chords (聲帶)
#1 When we are young, our voices are ... *
#2. To see his vocal chords, Dr. Chris puts a camera into... *
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#3 In this picture, we are looking.... *
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#4 The doctor's vocal chords are tighter and faster when he... *
#5 Dr. Xand breaths in a gas (Helium [He]) that is lighter than air. This makes his voice... *
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#6 Dr. Chris breaths in a heavy gas (Sulfur Hexaflouride [SF6]). That makes his voice... *
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Video #2:  The Whoosh Bottle experiment
#7. The men pour some _______ into the bottle and then shake and roll it.  *
#8 To light the vapors (gas) inside, he uses... *
#9. In the second bottle, the man puts his hand on the top of the bottle after the experiment. This causes the bottle to.... *
Stupid Guy- Whoosh.
#10. (Bonus question) This very lucky person could have been hurt because.... *
Science for Dum- Dums!
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