Sunflower Emporium Trade Request Form
As a lover of art in many forms, trades are such a fun way to connect with others and get unique pieces in the process. When I have time available, I will consult this list. It may not be in the order that requests are made, but based on what I feel like I have the time, supplies, and inspiration to make. If you can't accommodate a trade when I reach out or are no longer interested, that's okay! I'll move on and can either remove your request or come back to it in the future.

Right now I would be interested in trades for
- Art commissions
- Dice sets
- Handmade dice trays or writing utensils
- Dice bags
- Dice/resin jewelry

If you have something to trade not on this list, feel free to offer your skills! These are just what I'm most interested in at this time
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What is your Instagram handle?
What is your name and pronouns?
If different from instagram, where can I see your work?
What are you hoping to receive from me?
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What are you offering in exchange?
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Describe what ideas you have for the item you'd like me to make - theme, color palette, past design, etc.
Where are you located (for shipping purposes)
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