Spring 2025 - Phi Gamma Nu Business Fraternity Interest Form

Sign up to receive updates on rush events in Spring 2025 and be included in our additional coffee chats

Fill out this form to learn more about PGN, one of Penn's premiere business fraternities. This opportunity is open to freshmen and sophomores.

Whether you’re a seasoned business enthusiast or just starting to explore your interests, our rush process is open to all Penn students ready to take the next step in their professional journey. Follow us on Instagram (@upennpgn) to stay updated on our events and community. Freshmen and sophomores get ready to join us for Spring 2025 rush—we can’t wait to meet you!

Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Grad Year *
School *
Major/Concentration *

The following OPTIONAL questions are designed to help us pair you with a brother who shares your interests and passions for a potential coffee chat. Feel free to answer as many you'd like!

Professional Interests/Career Plans
What are your availabilities in the coming weeks?
Do you fall under any of the following affinity groups?
Is there a specific brother you'd like to be matched with for the coffee chat?
Other questions, comments, or concerns?
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