SATG Children's Liturgy Registration
***Note: There is no Children's Liturgy for Sunday 11am and 5pm masses at this time due to not enough volunteers***

Children’s Liturgy is a volunteer run program that teaches the liturgy of the word in terms children can understand. The program is designed for: 
 children aged 4 to 7 years old. 
• children older than 7 are welcome until they have received First Communion 
• mature preschoolers who are capable of sitting and listening to a story in a group setting are welcome when they can be independent from their parents  
Parents are welcome to attend with their children until they are comfortable on their own.  
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Full name of Parent or Guardian (1) *
Parent or Guardian (1) email address *
Parent or Guardian (1) phone number
Full name of Parent or Guardian (2)
Parent or Guardian (2) email address
Parent or Guardian (2) phone number
Full Name of Child (1) *
Full Name of Child (2)
Full Name of Child (3)
Full Name of Child (4)
Child (1) date of birth? *
Child (2) date of birth?
Child (3) date of birth?
Child (4) date of birth?
Please identify any allergies and severity for each child below.
Fees (September to June): $20 per child or $50 per family of three or more children  
Your fee pays for the purchase of a curriculum as well as craft and / or activity supplies. 
Note: payment accommodations are available for families who are unable to pay at these time.    

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***Note: There is no Children's Liturgy for Sunday 11am and 5pm masses at this time due to not enough volunteers***

We are in need for more volunteers!  Are you willing to volunteer for Children's Liturgy?

Note: For high risk ministries volunteers need to be registered with the parish for 1 year.
- Submit to a police background check
- Provide 3 references
- Complete training videos and sign forms.
- Children's liturgy is free for the children of volunteers!
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