Alabama SkillsUSA Proxy Form
 Please complete this form if you are unable to attend a board meeting and wish to have a proxy.
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Any member who cannot attend a meeting may provide a general proxy to another Board member who will be attending the meeting. The proxy must be in writing and is valid for only the one particular meeting that proxy was given is not revocable once provided. No proxy may be provided for any virtual meetings. The written proxy shall indicate if the holder of the proxy is to vote on specific issues or as the holder sees fit on all motions. A member should not use the proxy vote as a means to miss attending a meeting unless there are extenuating circumstances.

If you agree and accept the terms above, please continue below. If you select no, this form is not valid.

First Name *
Last Name *
Date of board meeting you will NOT be able to attend *
First Name of Proxy *
Last Name of Proxy *
Do you wish for this person to vote on specific issues or all motions? *
If you choose specific issues to the questions above, please list or describe those motions.
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