Share a PostNatural Encounter
  • Do you have a favorite food?
  • Do you call an animal by name?
  • Is there a certain vegetable, chicken, or goat that your hometown is famous for?
  • Do you consume alcohol, bread, yogurt, or tofu?
  • Have you ever bet money that a non-human animal would win at a competition?
  • Have you ever received blood plasma?
  • Have you ever dissected an animal in science class?
  • Do you wear leather, rubber, wool, or cotton?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you have had a personal encounter with a postnatural organism and we would like you to share more about it in the brief form below!
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Common Name (what do people call it?) *
Species (if known)
Individual Name (if any)
Place of Origin (if known)
Keywords (choose all that apply) *
Story (what do you know about it?) *
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