Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act Endorsements
Please fill out the form below to add your organization to the list of Momnibus supporters!

For more information about the Momnibus, please visit the Black Maternal Health Caucus website:

For updates on the Black Maternal Health Caucus and the Momnibus, please follow up on Twitter: @BMHCaucus

Thank you very much for your commitment to this urgent work!
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Please list the name of your organization
Please check the box for each bill your organization would like to endorse
If you would like to provide a quote on behalf of your organization in support of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus or any of the individual bills in the Momnibus, please leave them here. Sample format: "(Our organization) is proud to support the (bill name) because (x). - (Name of individual representing organization), (Organization's name)." These quotes might be used for press releases, media opportunities, and efforts to motivate action on these bills in Congress. Note: if you would like to send a quote later, it would be fine to submit this form now and email me a quote from your organization later.
Please leave the email address of the relevant person from your organization who we can reach out to for future updates, event invitations, and media opportunities.
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