Parent information
Parental information
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Email *
Select the course your student is registered in *
Student's Last name
Student's First name
Parent's first name and last name - If you are not the parent please state that here.(e.g. Aunt/Uncle, Non-blood relative) Thank you in advance.
How would you like to be contacted?
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I will be using school messenger for notifications and updates. (Instructions to sign up are here:
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Technology: Would your child have access to their own device, laptop or tablet? *
I will do my best as a parent to ensure their chrome book is charged.
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Would you like a help with setting up Bright space notifications(Pulse app) and Bright space in general. This will provide you with grade updates as they become available. (
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Cell phones are permitted in class we will use a portfolio tool to keep track of notes and written assignments. ( *
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What goals do you have for your child?
Does your child engage in/like learning? What are some parts that they enjoy or activities that you have seen them thrive in?
Parents are a child's first teacher, tell me what I need to know about your child to best accommodate them during the course.
Do they have hobbies and activities that you would like to share that makes you proud of them?
Would you be open to share your career or work path with students?
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This form was created inside of Thames Valley District School Board.