Certified Listener Interview / Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Certified Listener at the Certified Listeners Society (CLS)!

Please note that this role is an unpaid volunteer position.

This interview questionnaire was created to reduce the wait times for a 1-on-1 interview. All responses are reviewed by our Talent Acquisition team. Please answer as carefully and thoughtfully as you would in a live interview -- we want to get to know you and how you work!

This form takes about one hour to complete, on average.

There are three main sections in this form:
Section 1: Your Information
Section 2: Interview questions 
Section 3: Final acknowledgements and important information

You will receive a confirmation email after completing this form. We will inform you of our decision within five business days, whether successful or unsuccessful. If you have not heard from us after two weeks, please feel free to reach out to us for an update. Unsuccessful applicants may reapply six months from the date we inform you of our decision.

If you have any questions, or require accommodation, please email us at help@certifiedlisteners.org.

Hint: We recommend drafting your responses on a word processor (Microsoft Word or Google Docs) and then copying them into this form. This will make it easier for you to calculate the number of characters, run a spell check, and allow you to keep a copy of your submission should you need to re-submit.  
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The information you provide in this application must be true and may be verified. Any false and/or fraudulent information may result in the rejection of your application, and removal from the organization if already onboarded.
** IMPORTANT ** You must already have a verified account on our website!
If you don’t, please sign up first, verify the email, then return to this form.
First and last name you used to sign up on the CLS website:
No initials or short form. Use title case. i.e. John Doe
Please enter the same email you used to sign up on the CLS website: *
This email must be an exact match to the one you used to sign up on certifiedlisteners.org, otherwise we won't be able to link this submission to your account and you'll have to re-submit this form.
Phone number *
We may use your phone number to send you updates regarding your application and training status. You may opt-out by replying STOP at anytime.
Are you the age of 18 or older? *
You must be 18 or older for this role.
Which country do you reside in? *
Certified Listener volunteers must reside in Canada or United States.
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