On the experience of demisexuals - A qualitative research study

I am Srestha from the department of Applied Psychology. For my final thesis, I am going to be looking into the experiences of demisexuals -- people who need an emotional connection to somebody before they can fall for them, whatever might be their gender identity or preference, meaning they could also identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, etc., but need an emotional basis for any potential relationship. I am going to be talking to several people from this community to get to know their individual experiences and try to correlate their experiences for a study that can hopefully make society more aware of them.

For preliminary purposes, I'd need a headcount of people who would be willing to participate in my research. It would include an individual recorded interview, lasting an hour or so where we'll cover their experiences about their demisexual identity. All your information would be completely confidential, including your names, and privacy would be strictly maintained.

People who identify as demisexuals, are or have been in a relationship, and are 18 years or older are eligible to be a part of this study. Anybody who might be interested in an interview in the next few months, can fill this form and I'll get back to you at the earliest.

I'd really appreciate your participation because I'm very passionate about making people from this community's voices be heard and want their experiences to be validated.

For any query, please contact me at 9506654055.
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Name (Initials) *
Age *
Gender Identity *
Preferred Pronoun/s *
Do you identify as a demisexual? *
Have you ever been in a relationship, or currently in one? *
Do you consent to give an interview as part of the study? *
Preferred medium for the Interview (offline encouraged) *
Your contact number (for further detailed deliberation) *
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