2023 Promotion Challenge Submission
Each event entry will give your Bethel another chance at being the winner in our 2023 Promotion Challenge Drawing at Grand Session in June of 2023. If you have any questions about this challenge please reach out to the Promotion's Committee at  promotejobsdaughters@gmail.com.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which Bethel are you?  *
Date of event: 
Please tell us what your event was and a brief description about it. *
How did you promote this event? 
(Select all that apply)
Local Newspaper
Local Television
If you selected OTHER in the question above, please tell us how your Bethel promoted this event: 
Does your Bethel use any of the following methods of promoting Job's Daughters?  *
For each one your Bethel currently has, will earn your Bethel an extra entry into the Drawing for each. 
* Only earned once throughout this challenge. 
* A Facebook Group is different from a Facebook Page. 
Bethel Facebook Page
Bethel Instagram
Bethel Website
Bethel Newsletter - Mailed
Bethel Newsletter - Emailed
Handout JDI Brochures
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Name of Individual filling out this form: *
E-mail of Individual filling out this form: *
Questions or comments. 
For example: Any suggestions on how we can help you Promote Job's Daughters in your area? 
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