YGA Volunteer Application 
Join the Team!

As an Ambassador, you will:

  • Represent YGA in your local area.
  • Collaborate on exciting projects and initiatives.
  • Spread awareness about environmental sustainability, animal cognition, and cutting-edge geographic topics.
  • Be part of a global network of like-minded individuals dedicated to creating change.

 What we’re looking for:

  • Passionate and motivated individuals aged.
  • Strong communication and organizational skills.
  • Interest in environmental science, sustainability, and/or geographic studies.
  • Commitment to actively engage and promote YGA initiatives.

 Perks of becoming an Ambassador:

  • Certificate of recognition.
  • Access to exclusive YGA events and workshops.
  • Networking with an international team.
  • A chance to spotlight your own ideas and projects through YGA's platforms.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name? *
Where are you from? *
Email *
What Grade/Year are you in? *
What year are you in? *POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS ONLY* 
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Why would you like to join YGA? *
Have you been involved in any similar organizations or projects before? If so, what did you learn from those experiences?
Choose one of our HoN Podcasts to watch, and then tell us your favourite part and some feedback on what we can do better! (this does not have to be long, a few sentences should be fine) *
How many hours will you be able to commit every week for the next 6 months? *
Where did you hear about YGA? *
LinkedIn/Resume Link (Optional)
Any questions/concerns for the team?
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