YGA Volunteer Application Summer 2024
Join the 2024/2025 Team!

Creative Arts Executive: As the Creative Arts Executive, you will create engaging visuals, poetry, or graphics for our YGA Magazine and website. Each month, you will develop 1-3 creative pieces to support our initiatives. Your content will be shared on platforms like Instagram and our website to raise awareness of the environment from an artist’s lens.

Science Outreach: As the Science Outreach, you will contact researchers and experts to conduct Q&A’s and write blogs for the HoN initiative. Each month, you will connect with other members to gather insights. You will be responsible for coordinating these Q&A’s and ensuring the blogs are informative and engaging.

Social Media Outreach: As the Social Media Outreach, your role expand our organization’s reach. You will create and share engaging content, interact with our audience, and develop strategies to boost our online presence. Additionally, you will find local events where we can showcase our organization and connect with the community.

Fundraising Executive: As the Fundraising Executive, you will be responsible for securing funding and sponsorships to support our initiatives. You will develop and execute fundraising strategies, reach out to potential sponsors, and organize fundraising events. Your role includes building relationships with donors and sponsors, writing grant proposals, and ensuring successful funding efforts.

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What is your name? *
Where are you from? *
Email *
What grade will you be in for the 2024/25 year? *
What year are you in? *POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS ONLY* 
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What position(s) are you applying for? *
Why would you like to join YGA? *
Have you been involved in any similar organizations or projects before? If so, what did you learn from those experiences?
Choose one of our HoN Podcasts to watch, and then tell us your favourite part and some feedback on what we can do better! (this does not have to be long, 3-5 sentences is good) *
How many hours will you be able to commit every week for the next 2-3 months? *
Where did you hear about YGA? *
LinkedIn/Resume Link (Optional)
Any questions/concerns for the team?
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