***Announcement: Beginning June 2023, Lavender Phoenix will temporarily pause accepting new members into our membership in order to build more sustainable membership structures including our first ever New Member Cohort happening in the fall. We encourage you to still submit your interest in membership and we will get back to you later this year! If you sign up to be a volunteer, we will reach out to you with specific opportunities as they arise throughout the year. See below for more information and instructions on signing up to be a volunteer or member with Lavender Phoenix. ***
Lavender Phoenix (formerly known as APIENC) is powered by volunteers & members. From planning programs, to facilitating workshops, to dreaming up long term campaign strategies, our transgender, gender non-conforming, queer Asian & Pacific Islander Bay Area community leads our work! LavNix works locally, on unceded Ohlone land in the San Francisco Bay Area. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are primarily organizing virtually and are dedicated to centering those most impacted by the pandemic.
We know we will only be able to create worlds of safety and transformation with a strong community of dedicated people. That's where YOU come in!
Are you a trans queer API person (TQAPI) who wants to...
Organize with other transgender, queer, LGBTQ+ API people to create a world where we can be safe and heal together?
Build community coalitions to advance social justice in the Bay Area?
Learn and practice values-based organizing skills?
Join a vibrant and radically welcoming organizing community?
We are looking for LavNix members to lead and volunteers to support our work towards collective liberation! Each role has different expectations. Read more below!
Volunteering at LavNix means helping with specific events or time-bound projects. Volunteer tasks vary from helping set up an in-person outdoor event, fundraising during our Give OUT Day June fundraiser, being a counselor for our trans API peer counseling program, etc. Time commitment is contained and related to the specific project or event. We are looking for any TQAPI’s in the Bay Area to volunteer with us (exception: you do not need to be TQAPI or live in the Bay Area to join a fundraiser).
Becoming a LavNix member means joining one of our 5 committees (Communications, Community Safety, Fundraising, Healing Justice, SKATE/Leadership Development) to help lead that area of work with other members. Time commitment is joining a committee for at least 1 year, attending 1-2 online committee meetings a month, working a few hours a month on projects, and attending our Annual Member Assembly in the Spring. *Fundraising and SKATE/Leadership committees require previous experience with LavNix programs before joining; any TQAPI’s can join the Communications, Safety and Healing committees.
We are looking for TQAPI’s in the Bay Area to become members and lead our work, specifically prioritizing those who are:
Bay Area-raised
working class
have lived experiences with the Prison Industrial Complex and/or the Medical Industrial Complex
have experience organizing or lots of capacity to learn
of SouthEast Asian, South Asian, Pacific Islander and/or Central Asian descent.
In the form below please let us know if you are interested in being a member or volunteer (at least to start with)!
If you sign up to be a volunteer, we will email you invitations to help out with specific projects and events!
*If you sign up to become a member, please note the above announcement that membership is closed while we prepare for the New Member Cohort in the fall. We will not message you immediately after signing up but you will receive an invite in July to apply to our first-ever New Member Cohort!
If you simply want to be in community with other Bay Area QTAPIs: please follow our instagram (@lavphoenix on Instagram) and look out for info on our public events: Trans March on June 23, Summer Organizer Graduation on Aug 3, End of Year Celebration in November, and more. No need to fill out this form if you just want to attend one of our public events, but look out online for RSVP forms for these!
If you live outside of the Bay Area, or are not trans queer and API: we encourage you to donate at lavenderphoenix.org/donate or follow us on social media (@lavphoenix on Instagram).
Questions? Please contact info@lavenderphoenix.org
How do you want to be involved with Lavender Phoenix? Are you more interested in.... (see role descriptions above)