Client Details Questionaire
Info collected is solely for Sales Team and Designer Reference
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Client's Name *
Client's Address ( Project Site ) *
Contact Number ( To be contact ) *
Please provide your contact number so that our Sales Representative can assist you
Email Address *
All our documents and drawings will be sent through email in the later stage for confirmation and record keeping.
Property Type *
Property Built-Up Size *
Please indicate your property built up size, if unsure, you can refer to brochure or S&P agreement.
Areas To Be Designed And Renovated *
If Partial Renovation, Please Let Us Know Which Are Those Areas To Be Renovated. *
For Example : Only Kitchen and Master Bedroom (*if Full Renovation, just type WHOLE HOUSE )
Design Concept Preferred *
If you are unsure about these concepts, our designer will guide you during discussion. Please do take note that the design fee only allow one time design concept change.
Job Scope Needed To Be Done
Renovation Budget Allocated For Job Above *
Please let us know your budget for all the job scope you required above. (Example : RM 150,000.00)
If There Is Any Extension / Construction Work, Is There A Need To Get Local Council Approval ? *
If Needed, Client need to bare the cost for submission which need professional fee to Engineer, Architect as well as other charges by Local Council. *Please be reminded that the Council has the right to reject the submission and deem the extension illegal if the extension is not according to Building By-Law and Client need to bare all the responsibility and cost if you insist to do any construction work without your Residence Management and Local Council or Authorities Approval.
When is the Property Ready for Renovation ? *
Is the property already hand-over to you or when can the actual renovation work be started ?
Expected Project Completed by *
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