Suggest a Resource for CARLA's Social Justice Bibliography
To help CARLA keep its Social Justice Bibliography current, we invite you to suggest scholarly or practical resources that are currently absent but should be included. To suggest a resource, complete this form, and the Social Justice in Language Education project team will review your request. If approved, the suggested resource will be added to the appropriate category of the bibliography. Thank you!
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1. Please provide a complete reference of the resource you would like added to the Social Justice bibliography, including author name(s), date of publication, title, source, etc. *
2. If the resource you are suggesting has a URL or a DOI, please include it below. *
3. What is the most appropriate category for this resource? *
4. If you selected "General Social Justice Resources" in Question 3, please indicate the most appropriate subcategory for the suggested resource. If you select "Other" please suggest an appropriate new subcategory.
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5. If you selected "Social Justice and Language Education" in Question 3, please indicate the most appropriate subcategory for the suggested resource. If you select "Other" please suggest an appropriate new subcategory.
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6. If you selected "Language-Specific Resources" in Question 3, please indicate the language of the resource.
7. Please briefly explain why this resource is appropriate for inclusion in the Social Justice Bibliography, including the category and subcategory you have chosen. *
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