A Candid Picture of Health: Health Disparities Event Series
The Social Justice Hub is organizing a series of speaker events on health disparities in our community. Please fill out this form to receive the Zoom link for the event series! An email will be sent out 24 hours before each event.

- April 5th, Monday, 12-1pm: How structural racism shapes health disparities around us. Dr. Eva Vivian, expert on disease prevention in under-resourced communities. Dr. Vivian is a professor at the School of Pharmacy and School of Human Ecology at UW-Madison. From the clinic to community, she now serves underserved communities in Madison, WI to combine social change and action to eliminate health disparities. Some of her work includes a community diabetes education program in Madison. https://fb.me/e/7bRNANzzr

- April 8th, Thursday, 10-11am: Societal Racism in Mental Health. Join Dr. Linda Oakley, professor at the School of Nursing, in a discussion on the "defunding" of mental health care in the 80s, compared with the "criminalization" of Black mental health needs today versus white mental health needs defined as "diseases of despair." https://fb.me/e/2468kHFmQ 

- April 14th, Wednesday, 5-6pm, Contraceptive Autonomy: Measuring Reproductive Rights and Health Equity in the Global South. Dr. Leigh Senderowicz is a mixed-methods researcher at UW-Madison in the Health Disparities Research program. Although we promote family planning in the Global South as a means for women's empowerment, it is important to remember that fertility control has some roots in colonialism and eugenics. In this talk, we'll explore the intellectual history of global family planning, and discuss ways forward based in reproductive equity and justice.  

For accommodations/questions, please contact sjhoutreach@studentlife.wisc.edu
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