The Writing Journey 2025
This is to sign-up for the 2025 Writing Journey, the year-round writing community that historically has served members in the cities and suburbs west of Chicago (roughly in the region of Naperville). Nowadays, most of our Paths support virtual participation. Note that we ask that existing Journey members sign up again each year (so we know who are the active members and what e-mail groups to possibly add you to; e.g., the Poetry Path has its own e-mail list).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your name? *
Are you a new or existing member? *
Do you agree to abide by the Writing Journey Code of Conduct? *
What is your community username (if you have one)? This would, for instance, be used on our discord server.
What is your gmail e-mail address if you have one?
Generally this works better for the google group we use.
How did you hear about the Journey?
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What are you looking to get out of the Writing Journey?
What are your websites (if  you have any)? E.g., twitter, facebook, blog, author site, Good Reads, instagram, etc.
Are you interested in being in the Journey having a photo directory of members with a brief bio and links to your websites?
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What genre(s) do you write?
What is your Critique Circle username?
This is just for those who use Critique Circle (not required)
Are you willing to lead or co-lead any topics?
Which topics are you interested in helping out with? You don't have to be an expert to volunteer--you can learn a lot in research and then share it or facilitate discussions on the topic. Are you willing to lead activities? Looking for a couple partners on a topic?
Which Paths are you interested in?
Choose all that interest you.
What else would you like us to know?
E.g., dietary restrictions, constraints on meeting days/times, only remote/virtual events? What are your suggestions for improving the Journey?
Are there new Paths that you would be interested in leading?
What topics would you like to see covered by workshops?
Do you have suggestions for themes or topics for our annual anthology?
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