On the evening of January 21 2016, notorious Swedish psychologist Jonas Ramnerö told us the story of how Sten Rönnberg brought CBT to Sweden. The rest was `history as they say´.

The EABCT2016 Challenge of the Distant Masters took form, a legendary tale of the cradle of CBT and its great Masters. The live version of the challenge was held after the grand opening ceremony of EABCT2016 in Stockholm. The impressive winning team number 4 (Niklas Törneke, Gisela Wisung, Håkan Wisung, Johanna Morén and head of the EABCT2015 scientific committee Professor Gerhard Andersson), completed the Challenge of the Distant Masters with 8/13 correct answers. See if you can beat their score in this digital version!

In the present here and now you might find yourself pondering the question: What is the Challenge of the Distant Masters? The short answer is that it´s a cure. The long answer is that it´s impossible to describe the Challenge of the Distant Masters. One must experience it.

Press NEXT to enter the EABCT2016 Challenge of the Distant Masters.

Or you can enter the Tie-Break of Challenge of the Distant Masters, a section for the true CBT nerds out there... (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXHf_g9gX2u6kMidBxjYWECwzx2B_Y8i0F0vNsqEPe8fbZBw/viewform).

Good luck.

`What you choose might just end up changing the universe´.

This Challenge contains videos with important information and 14 following questions. It takes a little less than 1 hour to complete. You can paus and resume later, but please don´t close the window/tab. Your answers aren´t saved until you submit them at the end and you might lose them. We strongly recommend using a SMARTPHONE, as the videos aren't supported fullscreen in the web version. Please DON´T use the BACK button as your answers might be corrupted then.

/Olof Molander, Daniel Björkander & Jonas Ramnerö (official tutor and judge of the EABCT2016 IRL Challenge).
For contact or questions: olof@eabct2016.org
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