2025 DVTR Event Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in supporting DVTR's events this year!

Please answer the questions below to the best of your availability - we will confirm volunteer assignments and schedules with everyone before they are made final!

This form is for those who plan to support on our specific event dates - if you are interested in also receiving regular emails to join trailwork, scouting and pre-riding dates throughout the year, please consider joining our DVTR Trail Team Email List
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Emergency Contact Phone Number *
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We typically have 5 teams that help make our events happen!
1. Vendors/Sponsors - They support our event by managing a tent for their entity; connect our riders with awesome brands!

2. On-Trail Support (Riding) - Riders who arrow/de-arrow and sweep ride; competent single-track riders only; often are available for the entire weekend of the event - Friday through Sunday - to pre-ride, arrow, sweep, and de-arrow. People who are available for the entire weekend will get preference.

3. Ops Support/Check-Crew Team -
Backbone volunteers who support the day-before and/or day-of event; registration; parking; running an enduro check; set-up; tear-down; typically do not ride the event itself, but often participate in ADV rides the day before! 

4. Safety/Road Crossings Team - These volunteers are also often the calm-under-pressure volunteers who support the day-of the event; remain "on-call" during event; man dangerous road crossings; typically do not ride the event itself, but often participate in rides the day before!

5. Trail Remediation Support -
Perhaps the most important volunteers, this team supports the day after the event to hike trails to restore them; can either ride the event, or support during the event, because remediation occurs after the event.
Which teams are you interested in supporting? (Check all that apply) *
Michaux Dual Sport - June 21, 2025 - Shippensburg, PA
Our longest running event - a beloved dual sport through Michaux State Forest! This event is a perfect mix - we can typically get most volunteers to support AND ride and enjoy this event! The event is on a Saturday, so please plan to stick around on Sunday to help remediate the trails after the event! Plated bikes, please - this is a street-legal bike event!
  • Thursday, June 19 (final clear, pre-ride, begin arrowing, initial setup at fairgrounds)
  • Friday, June 20 (complete arrowing, final setup at fairgrounds)
  • Saturday, June 21 (day of event - volunteers run their assignment - lots of folks work parking or registration here and then get out and ride!)
  • Sunday, June 22 (remediation efforts)
For Michaux Dual Sport, I plan to be available to support: (Check all that apply - and we 100% get if this changes later, we'll email everyone to firm up support as we get closer to the event - so give us your best estimate here)
Foggy Mountain Enduro - July 20, 2025 - Blain, PA
Come join us to support our flagship enduro! Anyone racing the ECEA enduro series for points must volunteer at this race. No DVTR official members may race this race - but we encourage everyone to volunteer! Believe us, you'll get to ride the trails one million times while we're prepping for the race! This event is also a huge remediation need - please, if you can only take off one day, please try to take off Monday, July 31st to help us remediate.
  • Thursday, July 17 (final clear trails and pre-ride)
  • Friday, July 18 (begin arrowing, initial setup at fairgrounds)
  • Saturday, July 19 (complete arrowing, final setup at fairgrounds)
  • Sunday, July 20 (day of event - volunteers run their assignment)
  • Monday, July 21 (initial remediation efforts)
  • Saturday, July 26 and Sunday, July 27 (second round of remediation efforts for those who are available)
For Foggy Mountain Enduro, I plan to be available to support: (Check all that apply - and we 100% get if this changes later, we'll email everyone to firm up support as we get closer to the event - so give us your best estimate here)
High Steaks Harescramble - September 13 & 14, 2025 - Clifford, PA
We help the kids races of Saturday and then the adult races on Sunday. The best part is that adult racers can help with the kids races and with prepare the event, and then can run the event itself on Sunday! On private property, so no need to remediate as we do for the state forests!
  • Thursday, September 11 (final clear, pre-ride, begin arrowing, initial setup at location)
  • Friday, September 12 (complete arrowing, final setup at location)
  • Saturday, September 13 (kids' event - volunteers run their assignment
  • Sunday, September 14 (main day of event - volunteers run their assignment - adult racers might decide to race on this day, but we'll need lots of sweepers)
  • Monday, September 15 (no remediation, but last year a few of us stayed for final tear down)
For the High Steaks Harescramble, I plan to be available to support: (Check all that apply - and we 100% get if this changes later, we'll email everyone to firm up support as we get closer to the event - so give us your best estimate here)
Dirty Santa Toy Run - December 7, 2025 - Pottstown, PA
Our awesome season-ender - a charity ride where the price of admission is a toy donated to Toys For Tots! We need folks to get the trails marked, and then some help with registration and running games during the day!
  • Friday, December 5 (initial prerun and arrowing, initial setup at location)
  • Saturday, December 6 (complete arrowing, final setup at location)
  • Sunday, December 7 (event day - volunteers run their assignments - lots of opportunity to get out and fun ride!)
For the Dirty Santa Toy Run, I plan to be available to support: (Check all that apply - and we 100% get if this changes later, we'll email everyone to firm up support as we get closer to the event - so give us your best estimate here)
I'd like to be notified of trail work opportunities.
Anything else that would be helpful for the team to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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