SWE UH 2024-2025 Membership Confirmation
Welcome to SWE-UH! Please read before filling out this form!
  •  Fill out this form ONLY if you are a paid SWE member! 
  •  For new members, go to www.swe.org, make an account and choose your preferred membership plan
  •  For returning members, renew your membership at www.swe.org
  •  If you have any questions reach out to me on the SWE-Discord (Emily Navarro) or at  membership.swe.uh@gmail.com!
  • Note: You will only receive a shirt if you are a confirmed, paid member!
  • Please answer the form completely! It helps us help you :)

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First Name *
Last Name *
SWE Membership ID (You can find this number on www.swe.org by logging in to your account, or you can email membership@swe.org) *
UH Email (example@cougarnet.uh.edu) *
Classification *
Are you a first generation college student? *
Major  *
Minor (write "N/A" if none) *
Shirt Size *
Ethnicity (for statistics purposes) *
Gender (for statistics purposes) *
Are you a returning member of SWE? *
How long have you been a member? *
Have you attended any SWE conferences? If so, how many?  *
How did you hear about SWE? *
What do you primarily expect to get out of SWE?  *
What section are you apart of? *
Preferred location to pickup t-shirt?  *
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