This form is to request a common final form be initiated for you through adobe sign. Please submit a separate request for each course; you may combine sections of the same course (ex. STAT 217-01,02).
Please see information from Office of the Registrar below:- Departments may request common final exams for classes offering two or more sections of a course with approval of the department chair/head and appropriate Dean. (Effective 2.21.22)
- Any student who cannot attend a common final must be accommodated at another time.
- Common Finals may be requested for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday 7:10-10:00PM, of Finals Week. Common Finals may also be requested on the Saturday preceding Final Exam Week, 7:10-10AM, 10:10-1:00PM, 1:10-4:00PM, 4:10-7:00PM or 7:10-10:00PM (Fall, Winter and Spring).
- Requests should be received no later than the eighth week of the term. Room confirmations for common finals will not be arranged prior to the fifth week of the term due to changing classroom needs during the add/drop period.
- Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred exam date. However, assignments are based on the number and type of requests for each term, and we cannot predict availability for a specific day or room.
- Confirmation emails will be sent after all requests have been accommodated.