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If you love to read in these genres, please leave your contact information below.
This list is for readers, fans, and followers who would be interested in getting emails about new announcements from the Paranormal and Urban Fantasy genre such as cover reveals, releases, sales, giveaways, or any exciting news with The Next Step PR Authors!
The communication from The Next Step PR team depends on how much is going on. You will only be emailed if there is a release, sale, giveaway or special announcement.
The master list sign up is a way you can help promote and share your favorite books with fellow readers. The team will have pre-made images for you to share, various covers and opportunities to recieve paperback copies! Everything is e-mailed to you in a nice package to help promote my books!
Show your favorite Paranormal/Urban Fantasy authors your support by working with us and sharing about your favorite books! Plus you get everything FIRST. News. Sales. Giveaways. Announcements! You are a VIP reader and we want to make sure you always have access FIRST!
THANK YOU for your support in helping to promote and partake in everything coming up this year!
Thanks so much!
Kiki Chatfield
Owner of The Next Step PR, LLC
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