Erasmus+ Project KA229 "Art and Literature in our common life" Post-Project Questionnaire For Teachers
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Which mobility/mobilities did you participate in?
What was your overall impression about the project?
What did you think about the partner countries?
Are you satisfied with the cooperation between schools in the partnerships? (If no, what are things that you are not satisfied with?)
How would you rate your communication with partner students? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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How would you rate your communication with partner teachers? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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What do you think of your colleagues' interest and performance? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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How would you rate the contents of the mobility programmes throughout the project? (Rate it from 1-5, 1- unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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How was the implementation of the project to you? (Rate it from 1-5, 1-unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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Were you able to reach partners easily when you had a question or any other problem during the project?
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Did you use eTwinning portal to communicate with the partners during the project?
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Did you encounter any inappropriate activity during the process? If yes, explain.
Were the activities carried out throughtout the project instructive for you? (Rate it from 1-5, 1-unsufficient, 5-excellent)
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What are the factors that kept you active and motivated throughout the project?
If you wish, please give any additional information, comments or recommendation.
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