BFM Initial Consultation Form
Thank you for your Interest in meeting! Please take a moment to fill out the form below prior to your scheduled meeting.  

This information will help us begin to understand your financial picture and better assist you.
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Email *
Your Name: *
Phone Number
Email Address: *
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Phone Number:
Spouse's Email Address:
Mailing Address: *
Date of Birth *
Spouse's Date of Birth:
Are you and/or your Spouse Retired? Date of Retirement?
If Working: What is your Occupation? Your Spouse?
If Working: Your Planned Retirement Date?
What is the the reason for your Inquiry?
Do you have any specific questions or concerns for me?
Do you currently have an Advisor (Name)?
Do you have an Accountant (Name)?
Do you currently have an Attorney (Name)?
Do you currently have an Insurance Agent (Name)?
What is your estimated annual income?
What is your Spouse's estimated annual income?
What is your range of total investable assets?
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How much do you have allocated to your emergency fund?
What is your monthly mortgage/rent payment? If mortgage, please provide your current mortgage balance, mortgage origination date, interest rate, monthly payment, property taxes/insurance amounts, and type of loan (ie: 30-year fixed)
What are you monthly MINIMUM debt payments? (Auto loans, credit cards, student loans, etc.?)
What is a good estimate for your monthly expenses? (Not including minimum debt payments or mortgage/rent?)
What is the balance of all of your debts?
How much do you put into your Savings each month? (Retirement, home/property purchase, college, life insurance, etc.?
What is the balance of all of your assets? (House, Savings, Retirement, etc.)
What else should I know about you, your goals, family, etc.?
How did you hear about us? ...
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