- AUSTRALIA - TAIWAN Business Excellence Award
The ANZCham Australia - Taiwan Business Excellence Award is for an Australian company, organisation or individual that has developed outstanding business with Taiwan (trade and/or investment).
- NEW ZEALAND - TAIWAN Business Excellence Award
The ANZCham New Zealand - Taiwan Business Excellence Award is for a New Zealand company, organisation or individual that has developed outstanding business with Taiwan (trade and/or investment).
- AUSTRALIA - TAIWAN Business Partnership Award
The Australia – Taiwan Business Partnership Award is for a Taiwan company or organisation which has worked in partnership with an Australian firm(s) in fostering Australia - Taiwan business.
- NEW ZEALAND - TAIWAN Business Partnership Award
The New Zealand - Taiwan Business Partnership Award is for a Taiwan company or organisation which has worked in partnership with a New Zealand firm(s) in fostering New Zealand - Taiwan business.
- QUEENSLAND - TAIWAN Business Excellence Award
The Queensland - Taiwan Business Excellence Award is given to either a Queensland or Taiwan company or organisation that has made a substantial contribution to promote trade and/or investment ties between Queensland and Taiwan.
- NEW SOUTH WALES - TAIWAN Business Excellence Award
The New South Wales - Taiwan Business Excellence Award is given to either a New South Wales or Taiwan company or organisation that has made a substantial contribution to promote trade and/or investment ties between New South Wales and Taiwan.
- ANZCham Young Entrepreneur Award
The ANZCham Young Entrepreneur Award is for an individual who is based in Taiwan, under 40 years old with strong linkages to Australia or New Zealand. The individual is likely to be involved in a high potential start-up or a high growth venture.