CLM Program Evaluation
Thank you so much for attending a program hosted by the League. Your participation is valuable to us, and we would love to receive any feedback you may have to improve our future programs. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below. All responses will be anonymous. If you would like to follow up with additional feedback or program suggestions, please contact Amrys at
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What program did you attend? *
How would you rate the relevance of this program to your work? *
Not relevant
Very relevant
Based on this program, what do you plan to bring to your work? Share at least one action you plan to take because of this session.
What did you learn from this session? Share your top one or two thoughts or ideas from this program.
How would you rate the presenter(s)? *
Please share any comments about the presenter(s).
Overall, how would you rate this program?  *
Please share any other comments you have about this program.
Are there topics that weren't covered that you would have liked to have learned, or ideas for future programs you would like to see?
If you would like to help plan a future program around this topic or one of your suggestions, please include your name and email address here so we can be in touch.
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