Your Passions Are Worth Pursuing
Welcome to the start of transforming your passion into a profitable business or project! As an experienced coach, I specialize in guiding you to create sellable products and services that turn your passion into a money-making venture. If you're struggling with setting clear, achievable goals or managing expectations, I’m here to help. Together, we’ll overcome what's holding you back and develop a consistent action plan to bring your ideas to life.

We’ll dive into thorough research to understand your market and niche, ensuring your offerings stand out. By embracing feedback and refining your products, we’ll make them irresistible to your target audience. I’ll help you avoid overcommitment and improve your time management, so you can focus on what truly matters—creating and selling your passion products.

Having a financial plan and an effective marketing plan are crucial to your success. I’ll guide you in budgeting, managing expenses, and developing marketing strategies that boost your visibility and attract customers. By acquiring necessary skills and maintaining consistency, you’ll turn your passion into a sustainable, profitable business. Together, we’ll build a supportive network, celebrate milestones, and keep your enthusiasm high as you achieve your financial goals. Let’s transform your passion into a powerful, money-making tool!
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Full Name *
Phone Number *
What is your current passion project or business you're working on? *
How many years have you been working on this business or passion project? *
What area are you most interested in working on with me as your coach? *
What are your areas of genius when it comes to your business or passion project? *
What are your areas of weakness that you are working on or might need to employee someone else to do for you? *
Which package do you feel would be most accommodating to you and the progress you'd like to make? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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