SPR Chicks Survey 2024
Each year, the SPR Women's sub-committee creates a range of events for the women of the club. To keep creating events enjoyable to our members, your feedback and suggestions for future events is appreciated.
Email *
First & Last Name *
Are you currently a financial member* of South Perth Cycle Club?
*Financial member members you pay annual membership through Auscycle, Westcycle, or directly through the SPR shop
Did you attend any of the following events in 2023? *
What type/s of events would you like in 2024 *
For Social Rides, what average pace would you prefer?
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For Social Rides, what distance would you prefer?
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For Information Sessions, what would you like to learn about?
For Social Events, which of the following would interest you?
If you have any other suggestions, please provide below
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