Lender Request Form
If you would like to talk with an NJHMFA Participating Lender who can help you with getting started to buy a home, please complete the Lender Request Form and we will send you the contact information for loan officers in your area who offer our programs.
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First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
What county are you most likely to purchase in? *
Which of our programs are you interested in? *
Would you prefer to meet with a lender? *
What is your preferred language? *
What is the best time to contact you? *
How did you hear about NJHMFA? *
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I would like to receive email notifications from New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency on upcoming First Time Home Buyer events in my area and homebuying programs and opportunities offered through the Agency.
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I consent to New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency providing my contact information to NJHMFA Participating Lenders in my area for the express purpose of applying for NJHMFA Loan Programs.  
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Privacy Statement *The information you provide with this form will only be used by the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (“NJHMFA”) for the purpose of delivering the services you have requested, namely, providing you with contact information for potential mortgage lenders in your area that participate in NJHMFA home financing programs. NJHMFA will only retain and disclose such information in order to comply with applicable state and federal laws. NJHMFA will not sell any information you provide to third parties for advertising, marketing, or solicitations. Nevertheless, when completing this form, you should not provide personal information that is not requested. *
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