Cognitive Science Specialization and Electives Approval Form
Your Cognitive Science area of specialization and choice of electives must be approved by the Program Director.

Please submit this form after you have taken COGS UN1001 Introduction to Cognitive Science and have declared your major.  You may need to submit this form several times as your interests solidify and you find out which courses are offered each semester: that's fine! Just please re-submit the form if and when your plans change.

Please keep in mind that many advanced courses have prerequisites.  If you’re considering a course as a possible elective you should check whether it has prerequisites and take that into account as you plan your courses.

after you submit this form, your response will be emailed to you (if you don't receive it, check your spam folder!).  If you are a Barnard student, please forward that email to If you are a Columbia student, please forward that email to The Program Director will reply and let you know if your specialization and electives are approved or if they have questions or suggestions. If you are including a transfer, study abroad, or summer course at another institution among your electives, you must attach a PDF of the syllabus for the course to your email to or 
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Email *
Last Name, First Name
Preferred Name
Anticipated Degree Date
What is your area of specialization?
Have you submitted this form before? 
Elective 1
Please list the course number (including the subject code and prefix), the course title, and the semester when you took / plan to take the course. 
If the course is a transfer, study abroad, or summer course at another institution, then please also list the institution and please attach a PDF of the course syllabus when you email this form to the program director.
Elective 2
Please list the course number (including the subject code and prefix), the course title, and the semester when you took / plan to take the course. 
If the course is a transfer, study abroad, or summer course at another institution, then please also list the institution and please attach a PDF of the course syllabus when you email this form to the program director.

Elective 3
Please list the course number (including the subject code and prefix), the course title, and the semester when you took / plan to take the course. 
If the course is a transfer, study abroad, or summer course at another institution, then please also list the institution and please attach a PDF of the course syllabus when you email this form to the program director.

Elective 4
Please list the course number (including the subject code and prefix), the course title, and the semester when you took / plan to take the course. 
If the course is a transfer, study abroad, or summer course at another institution, then please also list the institution and please attach a PDF of the course syllabus when you email this form to the program director.

Do any of these courses have prerequisites which are not included in your required courses?   If so, please list them here. *
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your specialization and choice of electives?
Please confirm:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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