Guest National Anthem Singers At Sycamore Speedway
Prior to Gentlecars Start your Engines, Sycamore Speedway starts their evening with the singing of the National Anthem.  Sign up today to be our guest singer.  Sing your way along with a guest to a night of races.

 Our opening ceremonies are tentatively scheduled for 7:30pm.  Please check in at the West Ticket Window of the main building no later than 7:00pm and they will give you instructions to the Score Tower where you can work with our Announcer on where you would like to perform.  You have the option of singing from inside the Score Tower or out by our Flag Stand.  You can decide on the night which you prefer.  
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Phone number that can accept texts *
Please select 1 night in which you would like to attend *
I understand that my general admission to this night of racing will be free.  Your name will be at the west ticket window.  Please make mention that you are singing the National Anthem for the night and the staff will guide you to the Score Tower. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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