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Student Application: Do Re Mi Accelerando Scholarship
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SECTION 1: Basic Info
Student First and Last Name
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Student Email Address (optional)
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Parent First and Last Name
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Parent Email Address
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Country of Residence
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US Residents: what state are you from?
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How long have you been involved with Do Re Mi? (ex: 5 months)
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SECTION 2: Required Video Prompts
Tell us about your experience with Do Re Mi and how it has impacted you (2-3 minutes).
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Tell us about a memorable experience with a tutor (2-3 minutes).
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What are your plans with music in the future? (2-3 minutes)
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Upload video(s) showcasing your musical ability. Could be any number of pieces; cuts to pieces are allowed. Total performance time under 7 minutes.
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SECTION 3: Video or Paragraph Prompt
Why would you like the $100 prize? How do you plan to use it?
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LAST SECTION: Agreements
My parents and I understand that each tutor will be evaluated fairly, and we agree to abide by the decisions of the judges.
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My parents and I give the Do Re Mi Project the permission to use my submitted application materials (in whole or in part) for promotional efforts. This includes but is not limited to our YouTube channel and social media platforms.
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Congratulations on completing the application, and good luck!
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