Your child has to be registered as a member before filling in this form.
Each junior has to be registered separately.
Please inform us if your child has any relevant medical condition (eg Asthma, Allergies). It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that your child has appropriate medication as required.
Personal Insurance: The club does not provide for personal insurance for its members. If you feel the need for personal insurance the responsibility lies with the individual member to take out a policy for yourself.
Please note coaching is starting back Monday 16th Sept. The term is 10 weeks in duration with one week off for Halloween mid-term break. No catchups are anticipated for club coaching as we will have use of the large hall in the case of inclement weather.
Please do NOT pay until you have been offered a place.
Prices for 10 week term:
1 hour - €105
2 hours - €210
3 hours - €315
3.5 hours - €365
5 hours - €525
Submission deadline Tuesday 2nd July.