Michigan Romance Writers 2024 membership 
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our organization, Michigan Romance Writers. This is the form in which you’ll sign up for the 2024 membership. 

Membership pricing when joining is as follows:

December 1st to November 30th- $35.00
July 1st to November 30th- $20.00

Michigan Romance Writers was formed in 1984 to serve Central and Western Michigan writers of romantic fiction by helping them establish writing careers and become published. We are a friendly, fun-loving group of writers as repeatedly confirmed by our guest speakers.

MRW strives to promote excellence in romantic fiction by keeping members informed of ever-changing industry trends and offering informative programming for both new and veteran members. We provide a nurturing, mutually supportive environment where members will find encouragement to further professional growth in their writing careers. MRW is committed to inclusion, diversity, and acceptance.

In joining our organization you will be invited to participate in the following: 

  • Monthly in person meetings (with an online option) with a guest speaker on various topics related to writing and publishing
  • Private Facebook group
  • Private forums
  • Online write-ins
  • Private monthly newsletter
  • Write For The Money- monthly goals 
  • I Will Write A Book- our version of NANOWRIMO 
  • MOGO’s Monthly Goals- accountability booster (with prizes!)
  • Awards night

We do also have programs that welcome non-members as well. We host these annually, but are not included in your membership. 
  • Retreat From Harsh Reality
  • Romance themed writing contest
  • Auction
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Email *
Legal Name *
Pen Name (if applicable)
Preferred Pronouns 
For legal reasons, we have to have an address on record. This address is kept private and will not be shared with anyone, unless you give us express consent to do so. Please list your street address. *
City? This is used to find critique groups, carpools, local write-ins and to choose meeting locations. *
Would you like your address shared with the general membership?  *
Let’s get to know you
In this section we will be asking you some questions to better get to know you right away so that we can find the best ways to include you, whether it be location, genre, or other factors. Some of these questions may be required, as they factor in to how we decide certain events with the entire membership. Other questions are purely to get to know you as a person. Do not feel obligated to answer those if you are not comfortable or do not want your personal information disclosed. 
What genre/subgenres of romance do you write?
What heat level would you say you write?
Would you like to be included in our birthday announcements? If so, list your month and day. This is not required. 
Is there anything you’d like us to know about you? This can be anything such as (but not limited to): 

“I am still working on my first draft.”

“I used to be a member of Mid-Michigan RWA but am rejoining after X amount of years.” 

“I have special needs/accommodations for attending meetings.” 

This is NOT required, but we’d like to give the option for those who may need it.
How did you hear about us? 
Are you ready to become a member?  *
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