Jay's Podcast Feedback
Thank you very much for participating in this survey! Your feedback helps me immensely. Please answer as many of these questions as you like. 
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<<<Questions about the audience>>>
What are a few of your favorite podcasts? What podcasts have you’ve most recently listened to?
How do you listen to podcasts? (What app or platform)
How frequently do you listen to podcasts?
Do you financially support any of your favorite podcasts?
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<<<Questions about Jay's Podcast>>
How did you discover this podcast?
What should the new podcast name be in the Spring? (The new podcast theme will be: College teaching as an outlet for creativity and community engagement.)
What recurring segments would you like to hear, or what question should every guest answer?
Are there any specific past episodes you found particularly engaging? Why?
Questions for Jay! (If I get enough of these, I'll do a mailbag episode.) Is there anything specific you would like to ask about the podcast?

Are you interested in, or do you have ideas or advice for me about, any aspect of podcasting? (editing, strategic communication, social media, co-host, host an independent episode or series, etc.)

Anything else you'd like to share?
<Contact info>
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