ORC Junior Inquiry

Thank you for considering the Ontario Racquet Club for your young athlete's tennis training. We specialize in elevating performance athletes through a suite of programs that are integral to a successful developmental pathway. Our offerings are meticulously designed to help players achieve peak performance. Our globally recognized coaches are committed to fostering an elite development environment, ensuring each athlete receives the highest level of training. Our focus is on delivering world-class development experiences that are essential in guiding every athlete towards their fullest potential.

Please refer to our Academy Program Guide for more information about our programs.

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Email *
Guardian First & Last Name *
Address *
City *
Postal Code *
Enter postal code in the following format: A1A 1A1
Phone Number *
Enter phone number in the following format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Player First Name *
Player Last Name *
Starting Date *
Considering program availability for your player’s level, please specify when you intended to start:
ORC Member? *
At which club did the applicant previously trained?
In what program?
Name the program name that you where attending.
How did you find about us?
Does the applicant has a competitive record? *
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