Vermont Women's Fund - Council Member Application 2024
The Vermont Women’s Fund is looking for new council members to help shape the future of our work! Our vision is of a Vermont where all women and girls thrive. We fund structural change to advance gender equity and justice in Vermont. We lean into our values to guide our learning, grantmaking, relationships, and culture: shared power, revolutionizing systems, and equity for all.

We expect Vermont Women’s Fund Council Members to attend our regularly scheduled meetings (every other month for two hours) and to participate on one committee, according to your interests and capacity. Our meetings are virtual so that participation is easier for all members despite geographic location. 

In reviewing applications, we look at factors like geographic region, race, gender identity, age, lived experience, and professional expertise so that the Council reflects diverse perspectives.

Are you interested in joining us?

This application should take you about 15 minutes. We will respond to your application within two weeks.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your full name? *
What are your pronouns? *
What is your age? *
How do you identify your race and ethnicity? *
What is your mailing address? *
(Address, Address 2, City/Town, State, County, Zip Code)
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
Tell us a little bit about yourself in a few sentences. How would you describe your connection to issues of gender equity and justice? *
Why are you interested in joining the Vermont Women’s Fund Council? *
What previous experience, if any, have you had with the Vermont Women’s Fund? *
What unique or personal perspective would you bring to the Vermont Women’s Fund? *
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