Request For Services
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Email *
Today's Date *
Parent/Guardian's First and Last Name *
Your Phone Number *
Your Email Address *
The Client's Name *
Client's Home Address (Including City and Zip) *
Client's Age and Gender *
I am requesting *
Is the patient a DDD/ALTCS member? *
If you are looking for Respite (RSP), Habilitation (HAH) and/or Attendant Care (ATC) services, how many hours of each service a week are you seeking?  (i.e. 7 hours of RSP, 10 hours of HAH, and 15 hours of ATC)
Do you already have an identified habilitation,  respite, and/or attendant care provider(s) for your family member? *
Please list the name(s) of the respite, habilitation, or attendant provider(s) and their email(s) to ensure a quick on-boarding transition.
Do you have any specific preferences when requesting a respite, habilitation, or attendant care provider? (We understand each client has specific needs. Please note, the more preferences you identify, the longer it takes to find a provider matching the description.)
Please indicate the Member Service Preference Level you determined on your child's planning document (ISP). This indicates how quickly you would need a replacement caregiver if the scheduled caregiver becomes unavailable. *
The following questions are optional. They are designed to give our onboarding team a better understanding of the type of support your family needs. We want to ensure that any provider that we send out to interview is equipped for the level of care that you require.
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