Preterite or Imperfect?
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Instructions (Part A):
Write the PRETERITE, followed by a comma and the IMPERFECT form of each indicated verb.  

Copy and paste these if needed:
á  é  í  ñ  ó  ú  ü     Á  É  Í  Ñ  Ó  Ú  Ü  ¿  ¡  

Number zero has been completed for you as a model.  0.  salir (ellos)>>salieron, salían    
1.  cuidarse (nosotros)
2.  comer (tú)
3.  hacer (yo)
4.  ser (usted)
5.  decir (ellos)
6.  saber (yo)
7.  jugar (yo)
8.  ir (ella)
9.  poner (ustedes)
10.  venir (tú)
Instructions (Part B):  
For each circumstance, decide whether to use preterite or imperfect.  
11.  To talk about age (with tener) or to tell time in the past.  
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12.  To describe an action that was completed or begun in the past.  
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13.  To tell about a repeated habitual action in the past.  
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14.  To narrate an action in progress in the past.  
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Instructions (Part C, Paso 1):
The questions in Part C Paso 1 relate to the two paragraph story presented in Part C Paso 2.
15.  Scan over the 1st paragraph of the story (in paso 2) to decide if the verbs should be conjugated in the preterite or imperfect tense throughout.  Because this is a description (it sets the scene) of the narrator's life when he or she was 12 years old, you need to us the . . .
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16.  The 2nd paragraph, mostly, tells what happened:  The parents traveled, the children stayed with their grandmother, one sister broke her arm.  You will need to use the . . .
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17.  The verb "ir" is used in the 2nd paragraph as a description, not an action:  Everything was going well.  You will use the __________ conjugation of "ir".  
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18.  In this paragraph, does "saber" mean "knew" or "found out"?  Because the meaning is probably "found out", you will use the . . .
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19.  Does "querer" mean "wanted to" or "tried"?  Because the meaning is probably "wanted to", you will use the . . .
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20.  "Asegurar" tells what the grandmother DID, so you will use the . . .
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21.  "Estar bien" describes how the narrator's sister was feeling, so you will need to use the . . .
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Instructions (Part C, Paso 2):
Now, complete the sentences with the appropriate preterite or imperfect form of the verb in parentheses, according to the context of the story.    
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