Promotorhead/RPM Fest Band Submission
Thanks for your interest.  Please fill out the form below so we can check out your band and consider you for upcoming events and podcast episodes.

This info is for our records only and will not be shared publicly.
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Email *
Band Name *
Name of your band.
Contact First Name *
The person that handles your band correspondence.
Contact Last Name *
The person that handles your band correspondence.
Phone Number *
In case we need to contact you directly.
City *
Your band's hometown.
State *
Put in the two letter state abbreviation (MA, CT, etc.)
Country *
Write in your country of origin.
Genre *
Give us a general idea of what you sound like.
Band Blurb *
Describe your band in a sentence or two.  Short and to the point.
Band Bio *
Enter your long-form band biography here.  Good things to put here:  history, influences, releases, press quotes.
Copy/paste the URL to your Facebook page.
Twitter Link
Copy/paste the URL to your Twitter page.
Instagram Link
Copy/paste the URL to your Instagram page.
Web Link
Copy/paste the URL to your home page or whatever you use as your main web presence for your band.
Music Link
Copy/paste the URL to your Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Reverbnation, or other page where we can stream your music to listen.
Video Link
Copy/paste the URL to a video of a live performance, music video, or something else we should check out.
Band Logo
Link your band logo, preferably high-res .png with a transparent background or a vector file.
Band Photo
Link your band photo, preferably high-res .jpg.
Press Kit
Link a press kit, preferably in .pdf or .jpg format.
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