Shtiebel Art Beit Midrash
What: An Art Beit Midrash!

When: Monday nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST, from November 15, 2021 to January 3rd, 2022

Who: Shtiebel artists, makers, enthusiasts, and creatives-of-any-medium!

Where: Shtiebel Beit Midrash, on site*

How: Each session will begin with a 10-15 minute text study related to the Parsha (weekly Torah portion) followed by 45-50 minutes of studio time/creative interpretation. There will be opportunities to share progress and work with the cohort, as well as the broader community. BYOAM = Bring your own art materials (some communal materials will be provided as well). Cubbies are available to store personal supplies from week to week.

Please note: There are limited spots available for this iteration of Shtiebel Art Beit Midrash. Priority will be given to those who can attend most sessions.

* If you are unable to join in-person and still interested in participating, please let us know in the comments section below, as we are exploring different models of engagement.
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Name: *
Email: *
What are your preferred mediums?
What supplies will you be bringing to the Shtiebel Art Beit Midrash? *
Cubbies are available to store personal supplies from week to week.
Which of the following sessions will you be able to attend in person? *
Please indicate all that apply. There are limited spots available for this iteration of Shtiebel Art Beit Midrash, and priority will be given to those who can attend most sessions.
Any additional questions/comments/concerns?
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