Our pets are standing by!
 The library pets are ready to send an email message of support for finals. Please fill out the fields below.
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Email *
Name of person we are sending the Pet Gram to: *
What is their duny.edu / dc.edu e-mail address? *
If you are not the recipient, what is your first name and  duny.edu / dc.edu  e-mail address? (If you are the recipient, put N/A) *
What is your Pet Gram message? (example: Good luck on your English exam! from Jane Doe) If you do not have a message in mind, we will make one up. Just let us know if you want a "serious" or funny one. The photos below are the "serious" photos. *
Which pet do you want a message from? *
What day would you like the Pet-Gram sent? *
Let us know if you have any additional comments  :)
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