S.L.A.M. By Youth-Saturday- August, 31st, 2024
This time around S.L.A.M.'s virtual stage is reserved for YOUTH EDUCATORS! 

Isn't it a little eyebrow raising that most sex education is targeted toward young people, yet they are rarely asked for their insight on the content or its delivery? 

This week will be different. Adult educators, parents, caregivers, program managers - it's time to go back to school! For one week we will be led through five 45 minute workshops by the experts - young people themselves. They are going to give us their honest take on what we've been offering, and help us to gain new perspectives/understandings of what sex education can truly encompass. 


Facilitators must be between the ages of 11-24 year's of age.  

The stipend offered per workshop (not per facilitator) will be between $150-250.

Each workshop should be 45 minutes in its entirety.

Sessions with multiple facilitators: minimum half of the group must identify as BIPOC youth. 
Submissions by young people with intersecting system-impacted identities (Ex: Queer, Disabled, Boricua, Nonbinary, etc), will be prioritized. 

This is a virtual conference taking place in the EST timezone, between 5:00PM-6:30PM EST, Monday through Friday, Sept 18-22, 2023. 

Educators do not have to be part of a non-profit/organization/school. If you, your friends/siblings and at least one adult support person can help us level up our sex education, we want to hear from you! 

At least one adult support person is required in order for your proposal to be considered. At the moment S.L.A.M. cannot offer 1:1 guidance on creating workshop proposals, or facilitating. It is our hope/ask/boundary that the stipend go to the young people entirely. The stipend is not for the program or organization, unless the young educators expressly name to me that is their wish. 

Content is not restricted to any particular theme or format. Educators should plan to have an audience of 100-200 attendees. You are not required to offer Q&A time to the audience. You are not required to be on camera.  

DEADLINE: This form will close and take no more proposals on May 21st, 2023, 3PM EASTERN and decisions will be sent out Monday, May 22nd, 2023. 

While we encourage adult caregivers to provide support to youth in planning and completion, it is imperative that we still be able to receive the youth voice/narrative/experience in the form answers (and live facilitation). Adult supporters do not have to identify as BIPOC, but groups with BIPOC youth + adults will be prioritized. 

For questions please e-mail organizer, Steph at -  StephanieSpeaksHere@gmail.com

Thinking About A Workshop

Sometimes without a theme, sending in an idea can be a struggle. Here are some guiding questions to help you gain awareness of your experiences and expertise:

  • What kind of sex education have I received so far? (Indirectly: TikTok, Netflix, etc. Directly: Health class in school, peer education program, etc). 
  • How did I feel in that space? What thoughts/questions was I left with? 
  • What do I wish I/a friend had asked the educator?
  • At what moments did I feel connected to the material or educator? 
  • What activities or language were too confusing/out dated? 
  • What messages didn't feel like they were for me? What messages did? 
  • How would I summarize the goal of the education I received? (Ex: "They wanted me to feel like I really know my body", or, "they don't want me to get pregnant/have sex.") 
  • What body parts didn't they talk about at all or enough? 
  • What behaviors/actions have I heard/seen/experienced before that weren't in the lessons?
  • How did they talk about mental health and emotional wellbeing? How didn't they?
  • What skills did I gain that I can apply to almost all relationships rather than just sexual?
  • How did these lessons helps me to understand my body and know myself (thoughts, feelings, wants, boundaries, etc) better? 
  • What kinds of questions/myths do I hear from friends/peers? Were they addressed in the lessons?

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Name(s) / Pronoun(s) *optional* 

of team who worked on THIS PROPOSAL SUBMISSION:
Name(s)/pronoun(s) of workshop facilitators. 

Note:  All facilitators should be YOUTH. 

The role of the adult support person should be solely behind the scenes- unless EXPLICITLY COMMUNICATED by the youth you work with.
Adult support person name & email: *
Lead facilitator(s) email address: *
Speakers find themselves in community with: (Who are YOUR people?) EX: Black community, Boricuas, Disabled community, Latinx community, Queer community, etc. Please specify for each speaker. 

*Consider Asking for Support With This Question
Age range of the youth in your program or that your agency serves: *
Are youth paid through the agency for their work on this proposal and/or other work they do with you? *
Are youth given credits / contact hours for their work with your agency? *
Are youth offered training opportunities through your agency? (Ex: facilitation skills, curriculum development, Reproductive justice framework, etc). *
Do youth within the organization have decision making power at any INSTITUTIONAL level? If their only decision making power is at the individual level and you're thinking to yourself, "Well...they can decided to engage/show up or not to," the answer is no. *
Have any adult support people attended a S.L.A.M. conference before? *
If S.L.A.M. were to offer speaker compensation for youth educators named in this submission it would be a conflict of interest or go against organization/agency policy. *
Who will be the primary lead of the workshop? *
If any youth are interested in being considered for the S.L.A.M. Conference Advisory Board to help shape what the space will look/feel like, please write their names and email addresses here:
Target Audience: (Who will get the most out of this workshop?) *
Workshop Title *
Workshop description in 1-2 paragraphs (Will be used for advertising/promotion but don’t worry! We will give you the opportunity to make changes before going public): *
Participants will finish the session knowing: *
How will this session improve educators ability to engage with/teach youth? *
Adult staff question: How was youth expertise used in the creation of this workshop? *
Youth question: What was this experience like for you? Please discuss how included/supported you felt, and if you have spoken at conferences previously- was there anything different about this process? *
I understand the expectation of a speaker requires attending at least 2 virtual/zoom planning meetings to review/commit to ADA accessibility requirements and run through tech issues.  *
I understand that The SLAM Conference will retain no intellectual property to my sessions. As the creator and facilitator, I am the sole proprietor of my work.  I consent to the recording of my session, likeness, and presence during S.L.A.M. B.Y. Youth, with the understanding that the recording shall be used as an educational/marketing tool as defined by conference organizer. Stephanie Zapata. *
If accepted, I agree to post/publicize this conference through social media, e-mail, work groups, and other networks in an effort to increase attendance.   *
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