Immersion - Call for Larps
The Immersion Black Box Larp Festival is an international chamber larp festival taking place in Turku, Finland, August 2-3., 2024.

We are inviting larp makers to run their own larps at the festival, and we can offer some financial support for travel and accommodation in Turku. 

We are looking for larps that 

- last no more than 4 hours (including workshop and debrief);
- that are plug-and-play, i.e. the players can just show up without preparing beforehand (i.e. no costuming, no need to read any materials in advance);
- you designed yourself.

If you want to run your larp at Immersion, please fill in this form no later than January 7, 2024.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask 🧡 You can reach us at:

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Your name, or name of contact person for a group
Email address *
Name of the larp *
Number of players
Scalable larps (as in they do not require a fixed number of players to work) are most practical for a festival environment.
The duration of your larp *
Total time including the briefing, play time and debrief
In which time slots can you run your larp? *
Please describe the structure and design of your larp.
You can use the following questions as help: How much time are you planning to use for the workshop, the larp itself, and for possible post larp activities? What do you do during the workshop? What happens during the larp? Are there predetermined events? What kind of characters (if any) are there and how are the characters created? Is there an act structure in the larp? What kind of rules and mechanics do you use? Do you incorporate light, sound and other technical effects in the larp? 
This info will not be public, but is only used for the purpose of evaluating the larp when we make programme decisions.
Please list all desigers of your larp.  This will be used on our website, when we mention the makers of the larp. If you wish, you may specify who did what.
A short description of your larp (max 3 sentences)
This will be used on our website to market the larp.
A longer description of your larp (max 2500 characters)
This will be used on our website to market the larp.
Promotional image
Please post a link to a photo from your larp or some other image related to it. It will be used on our website to market the larp.
Content info
Does your larp contain elements that potential players should be aware of before deciding to take part in the larp? For instance heavy themes (racism, homophobia, death of a child, etc.), bright lights and loud sounds or mechanics that include intense physical touch.
The technical and spatial requirements for your larp *
Please describe what kind of requirements there are for this larp (e.g. lighting and other tech, tables and chairs etc).
Do you need economical support to travel and stay in Turku?
Please tell us if you need financial support for travel and accommodation, and an approximation of how much (in euros). You don't have to explain why you need it.
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