Clarity Global 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Mary Holloway E-RYT500
We want to know about YOU! Please complete this application thoughtfully and thoroughly. Your answers will be considered on whether or not you will be accepted into the program. Thank you.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
First and last name
What is your birthday? *
Phone Number (you will not receive any spam) *
How did you hear about Clarity Global's Yoga Teacher Trainings? (studio name & teacher who recommended) *
Please tell about your yoga experience: What drew you to yoga? *
Which Style(s) of Yoga do you usually practice? *
For how many years and months have you been practicing yoga? (When did you start & how consistent have you been) *
How often and for how long do you usually practice currently? (How many days per week, how many minutes per session) *
Why do you want to pursue this teacher training? (Why now? What do you want to learn? What are your goals in pursuing this training? Who/How do you want to help others through yoga?) *
What do you hope to gain upon completing this program? (for example: the ability to teach, to learn more about yoga, to become better at poses/asanas, to grow spiritually...) *
Space is limited. Only 8 students will be accepted for this 12 week intensive program, so that you will get individualized attention from your teacher Mary. She will hold you accountable for each an every assignment, making sure they are submitted correctly and timely manner. Are you able to stay on top of your assignments and meet with Mary weekly for an online meeting? (Meetings generally last 1 hour but may go over time if students need more attention) *
Clarity Global's 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training runs April 1st - Jun 21 2024. Is there anything that may hinder your ability to complete the program in the alotted time? *
If you answered "YES" above, please explain.
These are the dates for the In-Person trainings:
April 27 , May 25, June 15 & 29th 2024
(Saturdays from 5:00pm-9:00pm). Will you be able to attend all of these in person trainings? If not, what dates will you not be able to attend?
If you are unable to attend any of the in person trainings, you will be required to submit videos of you practice teaching. Are you able to complete this assignment in a timely manner? *
Program Costs & Fees: Tuition is $2650 if paid in full or $983.33 per month for 3 months (2950$ total ). Are you prepared to make payment for the program either in full or by payment plan? (Once your application is confirmed, you will receive an invoice via the email you provided.) *
Thank you for taking the time to fill this application thoroughly and thoughtfully. Add any information you think will help you to be considered for this Yoga Teacher Training Program. Mary will contact you in a few days.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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